Research Themes
Research Themes
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities ” Making Cities and Human Settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”

SAFE: Ensuring safety and security in cities and communities
Sub Topics:
- Environmental health
- Water and sanitation
- Pollution and Waste Management
- Food and Nutrition Security
- Transportation, Connectivity and Mobility
- Peace and security
- Conflict Management/Resolution
- Human-rights based approach
Completed Thesis:
- Travel Behaviors, Perspectives, and Usage of Public Transportation Around UPLB During The COVID-19 (Garcia, A.M.A.)
- GIS-based Landfill Suitability Analysis for Sustainable Waste Disposal in Cuyo Island, Palawan (Constantino, K.Z.R.)
- Exploring Circular Economy: The Case of Healthcare Waste Management in Calamba City, Philippines (Balita, S.M.)
- Assessment of Covid-19 Response and Recovery of Sta. Rosa, Laguna (Lijauco, R.J.)
- Residential Density and Selected Communicable Diseases in Alaminos,Laguna
- Environmental Determinants Influencing Malaria Cases in Selected Areas in Palawan
- Health Infrastructures as Deteminats of Population Growth in Calauan, Laguna
- Traffic Congestion Analysis of Selected Transport Nodes in San Pablo City-Central Business District,Laguna
- Assessment of the Solid waste management Plan Implementation of Muntinlupa City,2003-2013
- Socio- Economic and Environmental Impacts of Small-Scale Gold Panning in Malimono, Surigao Del Norte: An Ex-Post Analysis

RESILIENT: Building resilient communities and ecosystems
Sub Topics:
- Land Use Planning
- Human Settlements in Transition
- Island Resiliency
- Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Management and Climate Change and DRRM
- Protected area conservation, planning and management
- Resilient Housing and Infrastructure
- Nature-Based Solutions
- Ridge-to-Reef and ICM/CBRM
Completed Thesis:
- Assessment of the Quality of Life of Displace Urban Informal Settlers in Calamba City: A Case of Brgy. Kay-Anlog (Paraiso, K.A.H.)
- Analyzing the Resilience and Vulnerabilities of the Dumagat-Remontado in Sitio Masla in General Nakar Using the Network of Place-based Elements (Cleto, C.)
- Ikaw, Ano’ng Ambag Mo? Youth Participation in the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of a Coastal Village in Calamba City (Palomares, Z.F.)
- Assessment of the Selected Disaster Preparedness Approaches for Santa Rosa City, Philippines (Escarcha, J.R.)
- Youth Participation In The Implementation Of The Disaster Management Plan During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study In Selected Flood-Prone Barangays In Bay, Laguna (Arcillas, R.S.)
- Spatial Analysis of Higher Education Institutions, Main Roads and Population Growth in Cavite, Philippines
- Special Economic Zones as Determinant of Population Growth in Laguna, Philippines
- Formative Evaluation of the Municipal Disaster Risk reduction and Management Plan of Mabitac, Laguna, Philippines
- Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the Farming Households of Villa Cerveza Agrarian Reform Community in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro
- Adaptation Strategies to Flooding of Selected Lakeshore Communities in Pila, Laguna, Philippines
- PHILIPPINES Spatio-Demographic Analysis of Industrialization and Urbanization in Santo Tomas, Batangas, Philippines.

INCLUSIVE: Breaking barriers for inclusive human settlements
Sub Topics:
- Participatory Planning, Public Participation, Community-based approaches on resource planning and management
- Island Development Studies
- Socialized Housing and Resettlement/ Informal Settlements Studies
- Capacity Building and Education
- IPs Vulnerable Groups (Elderly, Women, Children)
- Gender and Development
- Economic Development for all
- Accessible and Inclusive Public and Urban Spaces
- Planning for Special Needs (PWDs)
Completed Thesis
- Developing indicators for Child-friendly spaces in Calauan, Laguna, Philippines (Garcia, E.D.V.)
- Analysis of Use and Accessibility of Marketplaces in Calamba City during the time of COVID-19 Pandemic (Abarra, P.I.O.)
- Understanding Youth Participation in Protected Area Management: The case of the Las Piñas - Parañaque Wetland Park (Basangan, J.A.D.)
- Land Suitability Analysis for Potential Resettlement Area at Bay, Laguna
- Geophysical Determinants of informal Settlements in Santa Rosa City, Laguna UsingGeographic Information Systems
- Willingness of Project-Affected Informal Settlers of Sto. Niño, Concepcion, Malabon City to be Relocated
- Qualitative Assessment of the Muyung System of the Keyley- I Sub Tribe in Antipolo, Asipulo, Ifugao
- A Spatial Analysis of Urban Land Use Trends and Some Impact on the Coconut Areas of San Pablo City, Laguna. 1997. B.S.
- Socio-Economic Effects of Agricultural Land Conversion in Selected Municipalities of Bulacan
- Profiling and Indicative Assessment of Bridge Vicinities as Potential Growth Points for Development in Valenzuela City

SUSTAINABLE: Advancing efforts towards a sustainable future
Sub Topics:
- Green Economy and Financing
- Cultural and Natural Heritage, Sense of Place Studies
- Sustainable Tourism
- Environmental/Conservation Governance, Conservation Financing
- Sustainable Urban Growth (Patterns of Development)
- Sustainable energy systems
- Sustainable food systems
- Formulating Development Indicators/ Index for LGUs
Completed Thesis:
- Evaluating the Walkability of Los Baños, Laguna through its Built Environment (Verano, C.J.)
- Place Attachment as Drivers of Community Action towards Solid Waste Management in Calauan, Laguna
- Accessibility and Use of Urban Green Spaces and its Perceived Effects on the Physical and Mental Health of the Residents in Davao City (Monsad, J.)
- "I STAY FOR YOU: Place Attachment and Its Influence On Improved Academic Performance of HSP Students in Los Baños LagunaAmidst Covid 19 Pandemic "
- Heritage Documentation and Inventory of Built Heritage Structures and Local Heritage Sites in the City of Calamba. 2009.
- The Urban Image of Escolta: Understanding Introspective Perception through Place Meaning in the Context of Urban Renewal of Escolta, Manila
- Assessment of the Palaui Island Ecotourism Program in San Vicente, Sta. Ana, Cagayan
- Community Acceptance of the Bulusukan River Ecotourism Project in Pila, Laguna
- Influence of Tourism on the Kamayo People and Resource Utilization in Brgy. Brittania, San Agustin, Surigao Del Sur
- Analysis of Social Viability of Green Tourism at Liponpon, Isla Verde, Batangas City