
BS Human Ecology Curriculum

Major in HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PLANNING (effective July 2018)

Course Code
Course Title
Class Hour
1st Semester
HIST/KAS 1 Philippine History The political, economic, social and cultural development of the Philippines 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
ETHICS 1 Ethics and Moral Reasoning The nature and development, sources and frameworks of ethics and moral reasoning and their application to various issues and contexts 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HFDS 101 Family and the Environment The family in relation to individual members, society and institutions; includes structural patterns, relations and formations 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 100 Introduction to Human Ecology Nature, scope and development of human ecology. 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
CERP 101 Fundamentals of Human Settlements An introductory course on types, elements and functions of Human Settlements, dimension and planning. 3 units 3 hrs COI
SDS 101 Introduction to Social Development History, perspectives, trends, approaches, and contemporary issues and problems of social development 3 units 3 hrs None
HK 11 Concept in Wellness and Basic Injury Management Basic theoretical, and practical concepts of physical conditioning and injury prevention as applied to stress management, first aid, and safety 2 units 3 hrs None
ARTS 1 Critical Perspectives in the Arts A critical study of the experience, language, and context of art 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 112 Sustainability Science Concepts, theories and practices in sustainability science 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 107 Principles of Human Development Theories, principles and processes involved in human development across the lifespan 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 105 Humans and their Environment Human-environment interaction through time and space; contemporary ecological problems encompassing physical, biological, social and ethical dimensions; implications to human well-being and behavior. 3 units 3 hrs (class) HUME 100
SOC 140 Introduction to Demography Basic demographic concepts and processes, determinants and consequences of population change; historical and contemporary trends; differentials in regional and world population growth 3 units 3 hrs (class) COI
BIO 150 Principles of Ecology Organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and the biosphere in relation to changes on Earth through time 4 units - None
HK 12 or 13 Human Kinetics Activities - 2 units - None
NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 - 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
Course Code
Course Title
Class Hour
1st Semester
PI 10 Life and Works of Rizal Significance of the life and writings of Rizal in the life of the Filipino people 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
GE 5 (Elective)* - - 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
GE 6 (Elective)* - - 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 110 Ecology and Value Systems Analysis of value orientation of men and social groups, their role in dealing with the environment, other groups and institutions 3 units 3 hrs (class) HUME 105 & BIO 150
HUME 111 Human Ecological Perspective in Development Relating human ecological perspective and concepts in the multi-dimensions of development. 3 units 3 hrs (class) HUME 105 or COI
HUME 113 Community Study in Human Welfare Analysis of communities as to social and physical structure, functions, resources technology and levels of living; implications on community and human welfare 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HK 12 or 13 Human Kinetics Activities - 2 units - None
NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 2 - 3 units 3 hrs (class) NSTP 1
2nd Semester
STS 1 Science, Technology, and Society Analyses of the past, present and future of science and technology in society (including their nature, scope, role and function) and the social, cultural, political, economic and environmental factors affecting the development of science and technology, with emphasis on the Philippine setting 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
GE 8 (Elective)* - - 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
STAT 166 Statistics for Social Sciences Principles of survey research design and analysis of data in social research 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 114 Material and Energy Flows Matter and energy forms and transformation; thermodynamic principles; material cycle; and energy flows; role of people in material and energy production; recycling. 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
CERP 161 Planning Theory and Practice I Planning theories, process and dimensions and their contextual applications. 3 units 3 hrs (class) HUME 111 or COI
HUME 115 Social Policies Social and resources policies based on analysis of problems and approaches; introduction to benefits/costs in human, social and economic terms 3 units 3 hrs (class) COI
HK 12 or 13 Human Kinetics Activities - 2 units - None
Course Code
Course Title
Class Hour
1st Semester
COMM 10 Critical Perspectives in Communication Theories and frameworks of communication in various contexts 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 195 Research Methods in Human Ecology An understanding and applications of the basic concepts, various methodologies, tools and skills in undertaking research in Human Ecology. 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HUME 122 Human Needs and the Built Environment Designing the built environment based on human needs, principles and elements of design 3 units 3 hrs (class) HUME 100
HUME 123 Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Human Ecosystems Concepts, frameworks, models, tools and methodologies of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and their applications to human ecosystems. 3 units 3 hrs (class) HUME 100 or COI
CERP 140 Fundamentals of Environmental Economics Economic concepts and techniques applied to environmental studies. 3 units 3 hrs (class) HUME 111 or COI
CERP 122 Conservation of Natural Resources Principles and practices in the use and conservation of natural resources. 3 units 3 hrs (class) BIO 150 or COI
SDS 172 Techniques in Community Organizing Techniques and practices in organizing human-centered development groups 3 units 3 hrs (class) SDS 101
2nd Semester
HUME 125 Human Ecological Systems Mapping Mapping for human ecosystems analysis. 3 units 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab) HUME 105 or COI
HUME 124 Environmental Health Nature of environmental hazards including pollution and human wastes; effects on human functioning and means of minimizing such effects. 3 units 3 hrs HUME 105 or COI
SDS 173 Consumer Education Problems, issues and challenges on safety, labeling and advertising of goods and services as these relate to the consumer in the market; the effects of social and economic policies on consumer behavior and human welfare 3 units 3 hrs (class) None
HFDS 110 Migration Theories of migration, determinants, problems and adjustments; economic and social outcomes of migration in the individual, community and national levels 3 units 3 hrs (class) SOC 140
CERP 162 Planning Theory and Practice II Plan implementation concepts, theories, processes and tools. 3 units 3 hrs (class) CERP 161
CERP 163 Land Use Planning for Human Settlements Concepts and techniques of spatial analysis and site planning for human settlements. 3 units 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab) CERP 161
CERP 165 Human Settlements Planning I Techniques in the planning of human settlements. 3 units 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab) CERP 161 and HUME 195