The College of Human Ecology (CHE), Department of Community and Environmental Resource Planning (DCERP) in the University of the Philippines Los Baños is offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Ecology major in Human Settlements Planning (HSP). It is one of the three (3) schools in the Philippines offering a discipline related to planning (Settlements, Land Use and Environment)

Human Settlement is the totality of the human community – whether city, town, or village –with all the social, material, organizational, spiritual, and cultural elements that sustain it.” (UNDHS, 1976)

The improvement of the quality of life of human beings, while taking care of the environment, is the primary goal of Human Settlements Planning. Creating and maintaining human habitats that are livable, attractive, efficient, resilient and are able to support the development of humans to their full potential regardless of race, gender, age, and social class is one of its major thrusts. Corollary to this is paving the way in providing for the basic needs such as health, services, education, food and employment of the inhabitants.